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Aruvikkara Constituency Assembly Election 2011 Result

Aruvikkara Constituency Assembly Election 2011, Kerala Niyamsabha Election 2011 Aruvikkara Division Result and Candidate List, Aruvikkara political party wise Vote Status 2011, Kerala Assembly Aruvikkara result 2011

Aruvikkara Constituency Kerala Assembly Election 2011, Kerala Niyamsabha Election 2011 Aruvikkara Division Result and Candidate List are given here and all candidate vote status will updated on May 13th 2011. Aruvikkara Constituency in Thiruvananthapuram District, stay connected for the live result.

Kerala Assembly Election 2011 Aruvikkara Constituency Result and Candidates List

Total votes : 164890
Polled votes : 116436
Polling : 70.61%
Result : Declared

Aruvikkara (136) is the constituency coming under Thiruvananthapuram District.
Total voters in Aruvikkara constituency (Niyojaka Mandalam) is 164890

for Kerala Assembly Election 2011 and 116436 (70.61%) votes are polled.

G Karthikeyan of INC UDF is Won in Aruvikkara
Constituency for Kerala Assembly Election 2011 with 56797(48.78%)
Votes from 116436 polls and it is against Ambalathara Sreedharan Nair of RSP with 10674 votes lead.

Candidate Name Group Result Percent
G Karthikeyan INC UDF 56797  48.78%
Ambalathara Sreedharan Nair RSP 46123  39.61%
C Sivankutty BJP OTH 7694  6.61%
A Balan BSP OTH 1746  1.5%
Poovathoor S Rajeev IND OTH 972  0.83%
VO Sanil IND OTH 913  0.78%
R Rajappan IND OTH 753  0.65%
Karakulam Sathya Kumar IND OTH 651  0.56%
S Sreekumar SUCI 525  0.45%
Latha B Villumannadi IND OTH 244  0.21%

Candidates from Aruvikkara constituency for Kerala Assembly election 2011 are G Karthikeyan, Ambalathara Sreedharan Nair, C Sivankutty, A Balan, Poovathoor S Rajeev, VO Sanil, R Rajappan, Karakulam Sathya Kumar, S Sreekumar, Latha B Villumannadi