Tirur Block Panchayat consists of six various panchayath located in Tirur region of Malappuram district.The various grama panchayaths in Tirur Block are Purathoor, Triprangode, Thalakkad, Vettom, Mangalam and Tirunavaya panchayats.The important telephone numbers of various Grama Panchayat offices located in Tirur Block Panchayat are listed as
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Kuttippuram Block Panchayat consists of seven Grama Panchayats.They are Kuttippuram, Athavanadu, Kalapakancheri, Edayur, Irimbiliyam, Marakkara and Valanchery.The important telephone numbers of various Grama Panchayat offices located in Kuttippuram Block Panchayath are given below
Perumpadappu Block Panchayath is one of the coastal block in Malappuram district.This block has boundaries with Ponnani Block Panchayath.Perumpadappu Block Panchayath consists of five grama panchayaths namely Perumpadappu, Alankode, Marancheri, Nannammukku and Veliyankode.The important telephone numbers of various Grama Panchayath offices located in Perumpadappu Block Panchayath are listed as
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Government College Malappuram, Government College Malappuram Course Details, Photos, Images, Contact Details, Phone Numbers
Telephone Number Of Public Works Dpartment (PWD) Malappuram, Telephone Numbers of various officers in Public Works Dpartment (PWD), Malappuram District
Telephone Number Of Panchayat Offices In Kondotty Block, Telephone Number Of Various Grama Panchayat Offices In Kondotty Block Panchayat, Kondotty Block Panchayat : 0483 2712084
Telephone Number Of Panchayath Offices In Malappuram Block, Telephone Number Of Various Grama Panchayath Offices In Malappuram Block Panchayath, Important telephone numbers of various Grama Panchayath offices located in Malappuram Block